Jean Marie (Buschur) and Gilbert Peraza tie the knot and celebrate with family and friends in a beautiful reception held on the shores of Lake Erie!

Most of us spend a good portion of our life in search of that perfect soul mate to spend the rest of our life with. Unfortunately, some people never find that person. For those that do find that perfect mate in a lot of cases its a high school sweet heart, a college best friend, someone we grew up with, or someone introduced to us through family or mutual friends. That once in a lifetime partner that has been here right down the street, around the corner, or in a neighboring town most of our life and we just never knew that they were the one.

For the rare few, fate brings together a perfect couple that lived hundreds or even thousands of miles apart most of their lives. It places that special someone in our lives when we least expect it and gives us the opportunity to come together to form a bond that will forever be unbreakable. That one person, that in our hearts we know has been the piece of ourselves the we have been in search for to complete us. Such is the case for Jean Marie Buschur and Gilbert Peraza.

Jean Marie a native of Ohio and Gilbert a native of California were brought together by a job opportunity offered to Gilbert. For many people picking up everything you have known and everything you own to move thousands of miles across the country to explore a new job opportunity is a  very scary thought. In many cases the fear of the unknown will actually be so strong that you pass up an opportunity to advance your career and explore a new path in life. For Gilbert Peraza, this was not the case. Gilbert looked at this as an opportunity to start a new journey in life and make the most of his career. Little did Gilbert know that when he made his trek across the country, this move would forever change the man that he is and his fate would be waiting for him.

After moving to Ohio, Gilbert was fortunate enough to meet the beautiful Jean Marie Buschur. Friends and family have said that Gilbert and Jean Marie truly complete each other and knew almost instantly that they were destined to be together. On May 3, 2014 Jean Marie and Gilbert made official what friends and family already knew was inevitable. They stood before their closest family and friends at St. Ignatius of Antioch Catholic Church and vowed to each other to love and cherish one another from that day forward in sickness and health till death do them part.

Later that evening the happy newlyweds rode to the shores of Lake Erie and joined their family and friends who were gathered at the Clubhouse at Vermilion on the Lake to celebrate this new journey that they are beginning together. Buckeye State Entertainment was honored to be chosen as the DJ company for this magical event. DJ Easy B and DJ Super Mario entertained this diverse crowd of amazing guests, some who traveled hundreds or even thousands of miles to be in attendance. This energetic and fun loving group danced from the very first dance until the final song selection and could have probably continued partying for many more hours had the time allowed.

The setting and the evening were perfect thanks to the hard work put in by the bride and groom and their family and friends during the planning process. The stress of planning their big day was lightened significantly thanks to the help of the amazing wedding coordinating team of Jennifer and Alexa from Jennifer Alexa Event Planning LLC. which the bride and groom hired for this exact purpose. No stone was left unturned and all their t’s were crossed and their i’s were dotted. Their attention to detail made the evening a huge success and thanks to their outstanding work the bride and groom were able to enjoy every minute of the celebration!

Buckeye State Entertainment would like to congratulate the new Mrs. and Mr. Jean Marie and Gilbert Peraza and we wish them nothing but the best in this new life they are starting together!

For more info about booking Vermilion on the Lake for your next event please click here or visit them on the web at

For more information about hiring Jennifer Alexa Event Planning LLC to help coordinate your next event click here or visit

To view all of the pictures taken by Buckeye State Entertainment at this beautiful event, please click here!

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