The Hudson Preschool Parents bring local businesses and parents together in their annual Children’s Fair.

The Hudson Preschool Parents is a non profit organization that was founded in 1973. The organization is comprised of families with children ages birth to kindergarten. It’s primary goal is to help develop these  children not only through education but also to help develop their social skills to make their transition into school much easier. This is done through field trips, newsletters, playgroups, storytelling sessions, and many special projects and programs.

Every year the Hudson Preschool parents hold five to six special projects or parties in an effort to bring the parents and children of the group together to socialize and celebrate. Each year in April the group celebrates the national “Week of the Young Child” by spending the week doing fun activities from fire station visits to horseback riding. The week is capped off with an annual Children’s Fair that brings together local businesses who provide child related services or sell child related products. Buckeye State Entertainment was proud to be asked to take part in this wonderful event. Buckeye State Entertainment provided sound and music for the event which featured performances by the Little Leapers, the Showbiz Kids from All About Dance by Kristen, a magic show performed by Ronald McDonald, the 4th Grade Singers from East Woods School, and performers from the Kibler Dance Academy. In addition to the many performances, there were games, concessions, and over 50 vendor booths. In  a show of great generosity, the Hudson McDonald’s and the Hudson Papa Johns agreed to donate a portion of their proceeds from the food sales that weekend to the Hudson Preschool Parents.

As you can tell the Children’s Fair was a fun filled day that every one in attendance enjoyed! For more information about becoming a member of the Hudson Preschool Parents please visit them on the web at or click here.

If you were a vendor or attendee of the event and would like to see all of the pictures Buckeye State Entertainment took at the event, please click here and then enter the password you were provided at the event.

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