Cuyahoga Falls High School students Go NUTS with Buckeye State Entertainment at Prom 2016!!!

Every student hopes that their prom will be one of the most amazing nights of their life. The students at Cuyahoga Falls High School are no exception. Each year the junior class has the task of trying to plan the Prom and out do the previous years class. In many cases this can be quite a challenge because of limited budgets or school restrictions. Tradition in many cases dictates where the prom is held so a change in venue is not always an option. Some classes try to come up with a more creative theme and spend thousands of dollars on decorations with the hopes that there classmates will be impressed. The junior class in 2016 decided to take a different approach.

The prom committee decided they needed to figure out a way to make the 2016 Prom one that no one will ever forget. They new crazy decorations and changes in the refreshments were not going to leave the impression they wanted so they had to think of something different. Their discussions all kept pointing to a need for the entertainment to make the difference. It is at this point that they reached out to Cuyahoga Falls Alum DJ Easy B to see if he and his company Buckeye State Entertainment would be able to make this dream a reality.

The prom committee set up a meeting with Buckeye State Entertainment to discuss their upcoming prom. During the discussion the students expressed what their goal was. DJ Easy B then began to outline how Buckeye State Entertainment could make it happen. To accomplish what the students wanted, their entertainment budget was going to have to increase which meant cuts in other areas or an increase in fundraising. This junior class was determined to make it happen so they put the ball in motion with the hopes that they could pull it off.

On May 14, 2016 all of the junior classes hard work became a reality! As students arrived at the University of Akron Grand Ballroom they were in awe of the world class sound and light show that they were treated to as the walked through the door. Buckeye State Entertainment also provided two photo booths as well. This was not going to be like any dance they had ever been to. This atmosphere was more like something you would see at a large nightclub. With the lighting under control, it was time to turn the show over to the DJs. If your event is going to be a huge success, you need the entertainment to be AMAZING, and that is what Buckeye State Entertainment intended to do. DJ Easy B took this party to the next level. For over 3 hours the DJ Easy B treated the students to all of the hottest music from today and even mixed in some old school favorites. From the first song to the last the dance floor was packed and the students were hyped up. By nights end the sweat was dripping and the students were exhausted! This was one night they will surely never forget! Buckeye State Entertainment was honored to be a huge part of this magical night and is excited to see how they and the upcoming junior class attempt to out do themselves in 2017.

To view all of the pictures Buckeye State Entertainment took at this AMAZING event please click here! 

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