Cuyahoga Falls High School Students Are Treated To A Homecoming Like None They Have Ever Experienced Before!

Every senior at every high school hopes that their senior year homecoming dance will be the best of the high school career! The students at Cuyahoga Falls High School are no exception. When the homecoming committee got together to start planning their dance for 2015 the top priority on their list was to find the best DJ they could find to make their dance as memorable as possible. After asking around and doing some research the committee reached out to Brian “DJ Easy B” Hostler, owner of Buckeye State Entertainment and Cuyahoga Falls Alum. A meeting was set and the two sides got together and discussed their goals. The students primary goal was to turn their gym into a club atmosphere and give the students an experience they would never forget. They had come to the right place to make that happen! After going over all of their options they made their final package selections and signed a contract. The package included over 8,000 watts of heart thumping sound, two 60” flat screens and a 10’x7′ video screen all playing music videos, a club style lighting system complete with led wash lights, lasers, and scanners, and a Green Screen Fantasy photo booth! Now that the contract was signed they were leaving it in the hands of DJ Easy B to deliver on his promise! He did not disappoint! From the start of the dance until the end students were on the dance floor dancing to all of their favorite hits and living it up like never before. Buckeye State Entertainment’s slogan is “It’s Time To Go NUTS” and that’s exactly what the students did! Now that the bar has been set it is time for next years committee to sit down with Brian and decide how they can out do this years dance next year!

To view all of the photos taken by Buckeye State Entertainment at the dance, click here!

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