The start of 2014 has been anything but ordinary.

With record cold temperatures and record snow falls Ohio’s weather has not been predictable. When looking at our calender of events, we were unsure what our first wedding of this years wedding season would have in store for us. Our bride and groom Mr. and Mrs. Kyle and Taylor Hite chose a beautiful private barn to celebrate the biggest day of their lives. It was set to be an amazing and unique early spring country themed wedding held in Circleville, OH (about an hour south of Columbus). The days leading up to the event saw temperatures dropping into the single digits putting this beautiful event at risk of being a bitterly cold celebration.

Apparently, mother nature was not in the mood to spoil this party! For no apparent reason, the temperatures took a turn for the better and Saturdays high climbed into the mid 50’s. This change in temperature helped make this day and evening a magical one that no one will soon forget. The barn made the perfect backdrop and the beautiful decorations added to the charm of the venue. As the guests arrived the were blown away by the uniqueness of the facility and were over heard discussing how beautiful the day was bound to be.

Shortly after 5:30pm our groom and his groomsman made their way up the stares to the beautiful loft that would host the ceremony. Just minutes later our lovely bride made her way down the isle following her bridesmaids. In a short yet sweet ceremony, Kyle and Taylor exchanged their vows and were pronounced husband and wife. The guests cheered and applauded as the new Mr. and Mrs. Hite took their walk through the loft and down the stairs to their exit.

As 6:30pm approached the bride and groom reentered the down stairs area of the barn where guests were treated to a wide variety of food and beverages in this buffet style dinner. As dinner finished up the guests began to tap their toes to the music that was being played signaling their excitement and  anticipation of the soon to start party! Following the bride and grooms first dance, Buckeye State Entertainment’s DJ Easy B opened the dance floor up to the guests who began to dance the night away. For over 4 more hours the guests danced, drank, laughed, and celebrated with our bride and groom. Just minutes before midnight the venues owners returned to let everyone know the party must come to an end. As the last song was being played it was apparent to everyone still there that this reception was one they will remember for the rest of their lives. No one can question the fact that Taylor and Kyle Hite know how to throw one heck of a party!

Once again Buckeye State Entertainment would like to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Hite and thank them for letting us be a part of their special day!

To see all of the pictures from this beautiful event please click here.

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